The West Family just added a new addition- little Rizzo!!

Rizzo was part of the Deer Creek Doodles brigade and was one of my models for some of my competition work. And honestly, with this face, how could you not immediately assume 'model'?!

I was so excited to see him again and he had already gotten SO FLUFFY!!! This random 70 degree day in March was already amazing, but add in this super real, super sweet, adorable family....yup. I'll take that any day!!
This gorgeous guy just fits right in with his gorgeous new family.
These girls had my heart from the beginning. We had SO much fun running with Rizzo, playing in the grass, and getting the most insanely beautiful sister shots.
I wasn't kidding. Look at these girls. Just. look. AREN'T THEY GORGEOUS?!

I CANNOT WAIIIIIT to see these beautiful canvases that were ordered!!

Just beautiful. And I'm so excited to see them displayed!!
Stay connected, friends!